Blossoming Serenity Massage
Supporting you on your path to wellness.

First Time Customers: 20% off a 60 minute custom massage (Choose *First Time Customer* option when booking online)

Blossoming Serenity Massage Therapy invites you to immerse yourself in a massage experience that will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.  You can choose from a relaxing massage to melt away all your stress to a more invigorating massage that will focus deeper on areas of concern.  Your massage experience will be customized to your needs.

Having a degree in Psychology and having had the experience of being an Elementary School Teacher has taught me that no two people perceive an experience in the same way.  That is why Blossoming Serenity Massage Therapy is client centered through the discovery of what each individual is looking to gain from their massage experience.

The office is located at The Red Barn in Durham, CT.  Come experience a safe and professional atmosphere where healing massage modalities can help you achieve balanced wellness in your life.

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Ellen Camilli, LMT
